Head's Blog: Charity
Dear Parents,
It is almost that time of year, especially at the start of Advent, when we all start thinking of those less fortunate than ourselves. Handcross Park works extremely hard to support a number of charities, and we have three important ones that we are focusing on over the next month. We have supported ‘Off The Fence’, a homeless charity in Brighton, for the past three years. We are hoping that parents will be able to donate old clothes, coats, gloves, hats etc. to ensure that those that live on the streets of Brighton will be more protected from the inevitable decrease in temperature and inclement weather. The ‘Handcross Pantry’ is another charity that supports those low-income families that need food, as their budgets only go a small way towards their weekly food shop. Finally, we are supporting the 'Sussex Toy Appeal', which donates toys to children's charities in Sussex such as 'The Chestnut Tree House', so that they are able to give presents at Christmas.
I know that this is a lot to ask but, if parents and pupils want to support any or all of these charities, then we will be collecting your donations over the next few weeks. Jane Bussey and Gareth Phillips will be our points of contact.
Thank you all.
Richard Brown