Head's Blog: The Importance of Poetry
Dear Parents,
The Importance of Poetry
Over the past two terms, I have been teaching a small Year 8 scholarship set for English. We are focussing on comparative essay writing, and this has involved analysing poetry, dramatic writing and fiction. I have so enjoyed our discussions as well as the children’s ability to grasp quite difficult ideas and concepts, not least the skill of writing this type of essay.
This week, we considered a poem, Mr Bleaney, by one of my favourite poets, Philip Larkin. We spent a long time analysing the idea, ‘how we live measures our own nature’ – worth thinking about at home?
Some people struggle with poetry and cannot see the value in this art form. I always look to some of our greatest writers to help understand what they have to say about the question, ‘What is poetry?’:
- Prose is words in their best order; poetry is the BEST words in the best order (ST Coleridge)
- Poetry is not the thing said but a way of saying it (AE Houseman)
- Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words (R Frost)
Poetry for me allows you to think about some of the most important aspects of our lives – a springboard to a conversation. I know that within LAMDA there is lots of poetry being taught, and I love the informal performances during the year. We also have our annual poetry recital competition just before half-term – a wonderful event that showcases some outstanding pupil performances.
Two poetry anthologies that should be in everyone’s library at home are The Dragon Book Of Verse (Publisher: OUP Oxford; ISBN-13: 978-0198312413) and Staying Alive - Real Poems for Unreal Times (Publisher: Bloodaxe Books; ISBN 1-85224-588-3).
In the end, it is also about fun and enjoyment!
Richard Brown