Nation's Day

Nation's Day
Whole School Head's Blog

Dear Parents,

As you know, Handcross Park is a special school and in the context of a country Sussex prep school, I believe that it has one of the most diverse communities – over 41 nationalities from Nursery to Year 8, day and boarding! What does that mean? It means that your children are experiencing a school that is truly global and allows them to get to know pupils from different cultures and it reflects the society that we live in. I think that our teaching of Spanish and Mandarin from Reception, with French (and Latin) from Year 6 highlights our global approach in preparing the children for the future.

To celebrate the wonderfully diverse community that we have here at Handcross Park, we will be hosting our first Nations’ Day next term on Friday 24th June. I really hope that we will have the support from the parental body to join us as we share the diversity of our community through a flag parade, the wearing of national dress, different types of food as well as showcasing performances through drama, poetry, dance. It should be a colourful event with everyone being proud of their backgrounds and a willingness to share in their own cultures. There will be more information in due course – watch this space!

We have been celebrating Chinese New Year this week and it has been wonderful watching the children enjoying their Chinese lunch along with other events to highlight this important time of year for our Chinese pupils and their families.

Richard Brown


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