End of term!

End of term!
Head's Blog Whole School

Dear Parents

I just wanted to say a huge thank you for all your support this term so far! I feel that we have navigated the new ‘normal’ really well, notwithstanding the curve balls of Covid that still looms within our community and the wider world. I would ask that everyone continues to be vigilant over half-term so that we can ensure all our key events can take place – Bonfire Night, Remembrance, Christmas activities, Nativity etc. You will be pleased to hear that I plan to reinstate match teas for parents after half-term, in the Pavilion, but I would ask you to be sensible in terms of crowding and use the outside space as much as possible – weather dependent. Bring back brownies – I hear you!

You will remember that I mentioned the author, Robert Macfarlane, and his book The Lost Words at the start of term. It very much focused on some ‘natural’ words that were moving from the margins of many children’s lives and stories e.g. bluebell, dandelion, otter, kingfisher and acorn. I felt that the themes and ideas incorporated in this wonderful book were a catalyst for our children to become more aware of the natural world around us at Handcross Park. So, I am pleased to tell you that Year 3 have been working on nature poems and the Middle and Upper schools have been producing some amazing art work. Our Year 8 pupils have also focused on and found images to engage with and learn all of the natural world vocabulary in Midsummer Night's Dream. I have included some of their work below. I hope that half-term will also be a time to explore nature and I am always happy to receive pictures and poetry from the children.

Can I share an amusing moment? One of the children asked me whether I had fought in the Second World War…as I was in the army in a past life. I then had to spend a few moments discussing the dates of WWII and how old that would make me – just a normal day at Handcross Park!

Finally, I must mention a highlight for me which has been looking after the Colts E Football team for a few matches this term. They have been full of enthusiasm and commitment - great to see!

I really hope that everyone has a relaxing half-term – a time to refresh and reboot ready for the busy and exciting few weeks run up to Christmas.

Best wishes


Richard Brown


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