Head's Blog: Remembrance

Head's Blog: Remembrance
Head's Blog

Dear Parents,

After half term, we will be having our Remembrance Service on Friday 9th November at Handcross Park – you are all very welcome.

Over half term, I thought that it would be really helpful if you would spend some time with your children discussing the importance of Remembrance Sunday. This year is particularly important because it marks the hundred-year anniversary of the end of the First World War. At 11 o’clock on 11 November 1918 – the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month – the Armistice was signed.

I recently read an article about the Headmaster of Sudbury Grammar School, Robert Smylie, who was 40 years old when he joined the army at the outbreak of war in 1914. He was married and had a son and two daughters. He did not make it home again to see them - he was killed in action in the Battle of the Somme on 14 July 1916. A book containing a photograph of his wife and children was found in his jacket pocket as well as a poem that he had written called, ‘My Three Kids’. It described life as a serving soldier as well as his longing to be back with his family. The final lines of the poem speak of loss as well as hope:

Lots of men I used to know
Now are killed or wounded, though
I remain, and back I'll go, To my kids
And I hope you'll all keep well, My three kids
Just as sound as any bell, My three kids
And when this long war is done
We shall have some glorious fun
Moll and Bids and little son, My three kids.

It has been a busy half of term and I know that all the pupils need a couple of weeks off to re-charge batteries and prepare for the run up to Christmas.

Cross fingers that the dining room will be completed!

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