Head's Blog: Art and Design

Head's Blog: Art and Design
Head's Blog

Why Art and Design at Handcross Park?

Because creativity is an essential life skill for your child


Art and Design at Handcross Park is going from strength to strength, and I believe that the teachers of Art at the school, especially Mr Davis and Mrs Angel, are doing a fantastic job in nurturing this life skill.


It is well known that creative thinking is one of the most important skills that a child can develop as no computer can compare to the human capability of creative thinking.


There are two key areas to think about:


· Creative thinking leads to problem-solving, i.e. creativity and imagination go hand-in-hand. When thinking critically, children will be able to ‘initiate’ and ‘create’, rather than just following instructions;


· Creativity promotes initiative, i.e. creative thinking allows your child to be less passive in their approach. They start thinking, ‘What can I do? How can I do it? What will I need to do it?’


Come and visit the new Art and Design building and see all the wonderful work that the Handcross pupils produce.


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