Head's Blog: Cricket!

Dear Parents,
Over the past two weeks, I have been asked to take the 2nd XI cricket team on a Wednesday afternoon. It has been great fun not least because cricket is one of my favourite sports but also it gave me the opportunity to escape my desk and be involved with the children. There is something rather special about Prep School Cricket – boys or girls – as anything can and will happen! During my first match against Brambletye, we bowled our opposition out for 76 runs and I believe that we felt rather confident that the total would be achieved pretty quickly. However, once we were 20 for 5, I sensed a potential change in our over confidence…but it was one of our International boarders from Spain, Sergio, who stepped up and stopped the rot with some outstanding batting! It was a team effort and I felt that everyone was involved in the success. This week, against Lancing Prep, our unbeaten run continued with a great win after bowling the opposition out for 33 runs. What team spirit!
Every week, I have been reading to the Pre Prep and I do enjoy their eagerness to engage and answer questions. I have also been reading about the mystery of the Marie Celeste to Year 3 and 4. There have been some extraordinary reasons why the Captain, his wife, their 2 year old child and 7 sailors all disappeared in 1872 – what imagination and what a lot of murder involved…we shall never know.
We have also had the Prep Informal Concerts for Music and Drama and the Pre-Prep Informal Concert for Music; I do feel that our children are full of creative talents as well as the confidence and courage to sing, play an instrument or recite a poem – wonderful to see and well done!
Finally, I was walking around the playing fields at lunchtime and it was such a pleasure to see the boys and girls playing games, pretending to be ‘vets’ doing make believe operations on animals made out of sticks (!) or just lying in the sun chatting with friends. Happy children having a childhood.
I hope that you all have a relaxing half term and I wish the Year 8 pupils all the very best with their revision.