Head's Blog: Creative Writing

Head's Blog: Creative Writing
Head's Blog

Dear Parents,

Why is creative writing important? Is it because some senior schools ask pupils to produce some creative writing in their assessment process? Is there normally a creative writing question in the Common Entrance paper and the GCSE English Language exam? Yes to both – but I think that there are better reasons for learning how to write creatively:

  • Imagination and Creativity - Creative writing encourages children to exercise their creative minds and to practise using their imaginations.
  • Self-Expression - Children sometimes have difficulty understanding and expressing how they feel. Through writing, children have a safe place to explore, and this can be a highly beneficial tool for expressing their feelings.
  • Self-Confidence - Writing gives children more opportunity to assert themselves and their opinions and develop their ‘voice'. These developments can really strengthen their self-confidence.
  • Communication and ability to persuade - A well-written piece involves a lot of thought, planning, organisation and wonderful use of language.

In Monday Assembly, I was asked by my Year 4 teachers whether I would be willing to highlight some of the creative writing pieces that the pupils had written. Both of the Year 4 classes had achieved a Headmaster’s Award for their work. For the past few weeks, Year 4 have been focusing on an extended project set from the Big Write. The writing tasks covered many important elements of crafting a good story using interesting vocabulary and literary devices. They also learned about detailed character and settings descriptions, fronted adverbials, subordinate clauses, dialogue and substitutes for the word 'said', pace, humour, flashbacks and story openings.

Here are some examples from three Year 4 pupils:

Cautiously the twins tiptoed down the stairs, through the kitchen, to the basement door...A large bright beam of light illuminated the grass... Now they were nestled and camouflaged in the thicket amongst the undergrowth, they were ready to spy. (Rosie)

With their hearts beating faster than ever before and as dusk turned to twilight, the children cautiously followed the mystery man. Suddenly Mr Smith squawked in fright as the children got dragged into the shadows. (Sebastian)

A gently rushing river snaked sharply around the stony corners consuming all the rocks and boulders in its wake. A magnificent tower reached high into the misty sky, with the other buildings like mice next to a giraffe. (Annabel)

Finally, I thought that I would also share a short piece from one of our Year 8 pupils:

The wind whistled as it etched its way through the lifeless woodland. Leaves tumbled over the untrodden ground, as the wavering branches of hollow oaks and birches began to toss themselves to and fro. Upon one of the quaking branches, stood a solemn bird, a lonely magpie with feathers of black and vibrant blue, an outsider to the grey wood in which he nested. (Theo – has a place at Wellington College)

I wish you all a relaxing half term – Year 8 use this time to revise effectively for Common Entrance, Year 5-7 to purchase the necessary kit for the leadership weekends and everyone else enjoy being with your families.

Richard Brown

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